The story of Ridley

When Chloe reached out to me I felt like we had an instant connection, I could feel her passion for Medical informed consent, her anxiety going into pregnancy, her fears and worries about child birth. I knew that my approach to education, advocacy and nurturing spirit would be the best match and I am SO glad and honored that they chose me to be their GPS.

As the weeks turned into months we continued to build our relationship, build our trust in each other and got to know her wishes for this pregnancy. She was like a sponge, absorbing all the information she could, asking questions along the way, advocating for herself and her baby with such confidence that she actually inspired me. Not sure if she knows that yet but GIRL you did! See Chloe lost her Mother after Childbirth when she herself was still a young girl and it was due to Medical negligence. Something we often read about, see or even experience so I knew going in that we would need to really work on Fear release exercises and making sure that she felt supported and cared for was my most important mission.

Her "Due date" came and went and she advocated to hold off on an induction to give her body & baby time to get ready on it's own and it DID!!! Friday she had texted me while she was working, letting me know that she was having cramping like her period and passing some of her mucus plug. There is no such thing as TMI when it comes to working with me, sending me pictures at two am sometimes comes with the job title haha. As the day went on I continued to check in with her and things hadn't stopped. I was leaving Nashville after a Postpartum visit and called her around 6 pm and I could tell by her demeanor she was definitely in labor but still the Early phase. I encouraged her to rest if she could or use her shower/bath for some relief and snack and I would check in a hour to see how we were.

I started talking to her husband Nick the next check in which is a good sign for me because if she needed to focus on breathing rather than talking that typically means we are in labor. Continued to guide them while they labored at home, sending Nick his Labor Support cheat sheet which includes words of encouragement, position change reminders and reminding her to. use the bathroom. Her pattern got more consistent with Active labor and her Mucus plug started to become bloody which is allllll good signs of labor progressing.

Since they needed to drive to Vanderbilt they made the choice to head in around 11:34 pm just incase because she didn't want to be in transition and stuck sitting in a seat. Anyone who has done that will tell ya...YEAH GOOD choice. HEHE. Once they arrived to triage I left my house around 12:30 AM, gut feeling told me I might need to go in and just as I passed exit 24 Nick texted me letting me know she was 4cm 90% and baby was in 0 station (nice and LOW with a paper thin cervix). She was DOING great and I figured she was gonna go fast so I am so glad I headed in.

I arrived at 1:30 am and Chloe was needing to be monitored because baby boy wasn't having the variables (heart tones going up and down) they like to see. It is common for them to sleep but they wanted to also rule out other things because it CAN be a sign that the placenta isn't working at it's 100% potential and giving Mom fluids or sugar can rule out that. She was still able to unplug and go to the bathroom freely which was sooo nice because with a baby as low as he was there was NO more room left in her bladder plus the toilet is what I like to call the (Dilation Station). Chloe and Nick worked together as a team, swaying, squeezing hips, applying heat and other counter pressure moves I had taught them.

Around 5 am Chloe went to the Bathroom and I heard a pop/gush and she called me in, I confirmed visually that I thought her Amniotic fluid had broken on it's own and saw no signs of Meconium. YAY just one more thing her body was doing all on it's own!!! Fun fact my water NEVER broke on it's own with all five of my deliveries. Midwife's confirmed it was her Amniotic fluid with a little PH strip and we were all so excited that things were progressing on their own.

Chloe at this point had been awake for 26 hours with no naps and I could tell she was exhausted, she tried multiple different position changes looking for rest but unable to find it. She used Nitrous oxide gas as well and it did bring her some relief but still she wasn't able to rest. She requested her Epidural around 6:30 am knowing that she wanted to get some sleep to have energy to push later on. She had already received all of the Pros & Cons and we came up with a plan to help her body still move and work together to keep labor moving forward. Around 7:15 she got her Epidural and found some pain relief, I tucked Dad & Mom in and encouraged sleep for everyone.

Just as I closed my eyes, I heard Chloe groan out and rock, then she did it again and again and I realized she was still feeling discomfort. I got up to off some counter pressure and watched her pattern along with baby's heart. Both telling me we might be close to complete. I informed Chloe that she has her little button she can push but this STRONG Mama wanted to feel some so she could keep moving and not have to push on her back. Soon around 10:30 AM her Midwife came in and asked if she was okay with a check as Baby was indicating he might be ready to be born (He was having some decelerations during her contraction and recovering quickly, which can happen as baby moves down into the birth canal). She agreed and she was COMPLETE, 100% effaced and +1 station!!

Now even though she was complete, we can still allow her to "Labor down" meaning allowing her body to move baby down further into the canal without her pushing the whole time. This saves Mom's energy as long as baby tolerates this stage, babies RUN the world...I am telling ya. So for the next two hours we rested when tired and moved her around like a perfectly cooked rotisserie chicken. I have never had a Mama so determined in all my years, she took every single suggestion, every position change I suggested, she is seriously one of the strongest humans I know! At one moment she shared with me that the anniversary of her Mother's passing was approaching and I realized she needed a safe place to release. I let her know that her body had done an incredible job keeping her & her baby boy safe but now it was time to release. Sometimes emotional blockages can stall labor, after her allowed herself to feel all of those raw emotions her contractions came in strong and hard. She felt the constant pressure we were waiting for. It was time to start pushing!!

One hour turned into two, that turned into three and that lead into four hours of pushing. Working with her whole team of her Midwife, Doula, two nurses and her husband, we tried EVERYTHING. We had space in between where we encouraged rest, talking about choices as the problems arose. There was so much peace in the room, there wasn't a sense of panic, there was no sense of being bullied or sense of failure. We all racked our brains with outside the box ideas. I LOVE working with providers and nurses collectively.

Hour FIVE we called in an OB so we can have a second opinion on what the Midwife was feeling. Dr. Connor was his name, he came in with such love and understanding and that compassion was exactly what was needed. We called in her whole team to discuss her options and we gave evidence based information and time to talk. Chloe was diagnosed Pre-Eclamptic while in labor, her heart rate was increasing, her white blood cell count was high and baby hadn't moved out of the +1 station even after ALLLLLLLL of the incredibly hard work Chloe put into pushing.

Chloe & Nick made the choice along with her entire team to move forward with a C-Section. I know, heartbreaking and scary and her biggest fear was here and she was going to be forced to face it. The room was buzzing around as the team got ready and I could feel her fear, her Husband's fear and I with the permission of Chloe let her team know about her Mom. The room stopped, they slowed down to remember that they are about to operate on a Human being with emotions. Her Midwife told her that she would hold her hand until Nick could go in, Chloe reached out for me with tears in her eyes and asked if I was going to still be here. I said of course, I am not going anywhere, I quickly adjusted my camera settings for an OR and handed over my camera and hugged Chloe and Nick tightly and watched as they left.

I waited around eagerly looking for shadows of feet under the door, listening for anything that would alert me to information. Soon they returned to the room and I erupted in tears seeing that she was okay! She told me that once they got to the OR each person working her birth walked over and introduced themselves, yalllll when I say that made me sob I am not lying! The 2 mins they took out of their time to comfort her will forever be something that sticks with me and I am so glad I spoke up for her to remind them she is human.

They brought in NOT so little man (9.7 LBS and 22 inches) and I grabbed some pillows to help Mama latch. He DIDN'T need anyone's help hahaha he latched right on! Perfect flared out lips, no pain, it was amazing to watch!!! He nursed for about 40 mins while I was there and then it was Dad's turn for some skin to skin. I made sure all was well with this amazing family and then slipped out of the room and made my journey home after being there for 22 hours. I sent some PDF'S on C-Section recovery so they could have some great information on healing and tips and tricks.

Chloe wrote me the next day saying "Things didn't go 100% my way, but I was advocated for, I got to experience a lot of the natural side of things and interventions when needed. And then when my worst fear happened I believed you and trusted you. And ended up with a great surgical team. I was scared and worried about the C-Section but I am still proud I did it! And proud I really tried my hardest. And when it is all said and done I still felt safe. I will always tell everyone that they need a Doula and if they can they need you."

Chloe & Nick and Chloe's family who I knew where holding their breath these last 41 weeks, THANK you! Thank you for trusting me with your Daughter, with your Wife, with your Sister and friend. Being a small part of your Birth Story was such an honor and I love you all very much!!!

Ellis' Birth Story

I got the text that Emily was ready for me, I loaded up and drove to Nashville. When I got there Emily was breathing through her surges that came on after her Foley was in place, she rocked, swayed, braided her hair and kept relaxed.

I started looking around and noticed all of these Birth affirmations that they had taped up around the room, it was such a sweet and easy way to lessen the "Hospital" feel. They also had a Birth color that they used to also help with the mental head space, they had chosen Purple and had two balloons covering the harsh lighting. My favorite was "Floppy Face. Floppy Fanny." Everyone who saw that giggled but it isn't just a little funny saying there is science behind a soft face and soft pelvic floor.

Over the hours she pumped, did Miles circuit, pumped some more, rested, labored on the toilet, did deep squats from holding onto a sheet that I tied and threw over the door, cuddled and laughed. We were all BLOWN away at her collection of colostrum!!! The nurses brought her syringes for the colostrum and they took it to the NICU to be put in the freezer. Emily had Gestational Diabetes that was being managed by diet but they also knew that their baby might need a quick feed to keep their blood sugars up. Just another way that I was BLOWN away with this family. The amount of educating these two did was amazing, they also had a sign on the door that not only stated that Emily was using Hypnobirthing and what verbiage to use like instead of "pain" use "pressure" and instead of "contractions" use "Surge". It also said "Please only discuss risks or any negative concerns with Tara (her wife) or her Doula (me). This allowed Emily to focus on her breathing and labor zone.

I was blown away with the Nurses at St. Thomas Midtown Maternity Ward they took that sign not as a sign of aggression but fully respected their wishes and were also impressed by these two! The team work that happened with this birth was amazing. Emily & Tara had a birth plan that said they wanted Tara to help deliver baby and announce the gender ( I love a surprise gender birth) and for the two of them to stimulate baby. The baby nurse came in and met with them and talked to them about what to expect and what to do. Again just in awe of the birthing team!

After a very long 30+ hours it was finally time to start pushing, Emily did not want to give birth on her back with legs in the stirrups. With her wife, amazing nurse and Doula we all helped advocate for her and make sure she was pushing how she wanted. We could start to see baby's head and I realized that Emily had shifted from her side to her back so I helped her into another position with her knees together, ankles out while on her side to help open the pelvic outlet across the more narrow part of the oval. THERE it is, we all cheered!!!!! This was what she needed to help get baby down and out, we could see more and more of baby.

Soon Tara put on her gloves and with the Midwifes assistance she helped deliver their baby, as she placed baby on Emily's chest she announced....IT'S A BOY!!!!! Both of them were able to stimulate little Ellis, take him in and Tara cut the cord long after he was born, the Midwife didn't just look at the clock she held the cord to wait until there was no more pulse.

I am so incredibly PROUD of these two! For Tara, you were unwavering in your support!! Your ability to be the safe place, the calm in Emily's storm! You did such a great job protecting your family!! Emily, oh how I love you!!! You have been my most educated and empowered Birthing client ever!!! You are seriously one of the STRONGEST humans I know!!!!! Ellis is BEYOND blessed to have parents like you!!!

The Birth Story of Little F

It was the day before her due date when I got the text that things seemed to be happening, being on call I watched my phone like a hawk awaiting for an update. That evening Dad reached out to let me know that things were definitely happening and Mom was laboring beautifully along.

I came over to take a look and see how things were going when we noticed her waves coming on quicker, the call to the Midwives was made and her birthing team gathered to support this family. Once her team was all there, baby girl made her own plans and gave her Mom a break. Which happens all the time and for many reasons. Some times it's because Mom is tired and needs a good rest before active labor continues. Some times, mentally mom has a blockage ( if she feels watched, rushed etc) and needs some space. There can be many factors, all normal.

We decided to all leave for a bit to allow Mom to rest, knowing we were all only a few miles away. A few hours later Dad texted me letting me know that she was contracting 3-1-1 meaning 3 minuets apart, lasting at least a minute long for over an hour and the Midwifes were on their way to check them out. I waited on standby for Dad to let me know when they were ready for me to come over. "She's at a 7, if you are free, head this way" I jumped in my car and headed on over.

As I was making my way up the stairs I heard joyful commotion as her water had broken, the sounds of labor filled the halls. Mom was on her knees breathing her baby down. Moving freely as she listened to what her body needed. The sounds of waves coming from speaker filled in the silence as we surrounded her with love and support.

It wasn't too much longer that we all realized she was close to meeting her baby girl. Someone noticed that it was the 8th, her due date and how this little girl was doing things very punctually. We all had a little giggle. Virgos am I right?

With Mom fully in control of her body she reached down and could feel her baby's head, elated that this was in fact happening and all the work she has done was bringing her baby Earth side. Mom moved freely stil while she breathed her baby down and out. Each surge bringing her closer, her Husband whispering words of encouragement each step of the way.

"I see eyebrows" Joy filled Mom's face all this time, from the moment she say that positive test, the first time she felt her move to the first surge of labor...all of this and she was finally about to meet this little person she had already fallen madly in love with. With a strong roar and the help of the Midwivery team and her husband she birthed her baby girl in the early hours safely at home. Surrounded by who she wanted present, surrounded by those who believed she could.

Big sister who had slept through the night was excitedly waiting right outside the door was brought in to meet her newest best friend and the whole room melted. She wasn't shocked by the sights of child birth, she had been practicing with Mom and Dad. She was just SOOOO excited to meet her baby.

The family was soon left alone to bond as the team waited downstairs and refreshed on the lovely food and snacks they had prepared for us. After about an hour we all went back up to do the Newborn assessment and find out how much this sweet bigger than expected baby was. Dad carefully lifted her up in the scale and we were shocked that she was 8 lbs 8 oz. almost 2lbs bigger than her older sister. WOW 8.8 born on the 8th...this little girl sure has some magic about her.

Birth is beautiful, it is raw, it is forever the thing that makes my heart pitter patter. I am ALWAYS so thankful for the families that allow me to be apart of their story. Thank you for taking the time to read Baby F's birth story. Until next time


70 of the longest minutes ticked by, every single foot step shadow that walked by the door made us gasp. We talked and cried and continued to pray. Then a little over a hour after his wife was taken to the OR a nurse walks in and introduces herself to us as the NICU nurse taking care of his baby. She let us know that baby was okay and healthy. The gender didn't even matter we celebrated a healthy baby and then the nurse told Dad that he had a beautiful healthy baby GIRL!!!! is the word I would use to describe how he felt. He threw himself back in the chair with excited and I worried he would faint from all the emotions.

The excitement held us off as we still awaited to hear more about Mom. Another hour goes by and her OB enters the room to let us know that she was safe and okay! When I tell you I could finally breathe again I am not joking. 2 hours of unknown really can take toll and I am so glad Dad didn't have to wait alone.

Mom was brought in shortly and the reunion between husband and wife was moving!! They embraced the fact that they had a healthy baby and that they had a BABY GIRL!! I think the shock was still in from just finding that out, the room filled again with zooming excitement.

Moments later NICU brought baby girl in to meet her Mom & Dad and it is safe to say they were instantly engulfed in love! Mom was able snuggle her daughter for the first time and Dad instantly got his finger wrapped tightly into hers and we all swooned. After mom was able to snuggle it was Dad's turn and that is when he turned into complete mush!!!

I quietly walked out after knowing they were all save and sound and said another prayer before I left. If you have followed this story I want to thank you!