This stunning Mama reached out to while pregnant and we talked about her goals and wishes and plans for her VBAC ( Vaginal birth after cesarean). She had her cerclage ( the use of a ring or loop to bind together the ends of a cervix) removed at 36 weeks and we all held our breathe, we all knew it could be any day. As the weeks rolled on by Mama and I stayed in close contact, even doing a home visit to go over early labor and what they can do to manage discomforts etc. Mama walked, pumped, walked some more this woman was doing it all to try to go into labor all on her own.

As week 40 came and went we all knew the deadline was approaching and choices were going to have to be made to get things moving along. Mama remained strong, and courageous and advocated for herself and baby. The medical decision was made for her to come to the hospital on the 13th to start her induction process and we all made our way from Clarksville to Nashville.

Once we got there we were taken into her laboring room and started to get settled in and ready for the OB to break her water as she came into the hospital at 4 cm. Mom was told she had a lot of fluid and to be prepared for a big ole splash and at first there was a trickle...THEN the gates opened haha. Mom and Dad laughed together as he tried to help her to the bathroom with her water leaking all over the bed and onto the floor. The room stayed filled with laughter and jokes.

A few hours later her waves started to come in on their own, and in a good pattern with no need of medication. She swayed, she danced, she was in the zone. Dad jumped right in there to offer comfort and a gentle reminder to drop her shoulders and when the wave was coming back down. Together they were reaching that goal of meeting their baby which they didn't know the gender of!!

Around 6:30 I noticed that mom had to focus more on her breathing during her surges and from watching her I could tell that we were approaching transition. Even with approaching transition she remained so calm and in control. She would drop her shoulders, continue to breathe slowly and in control. We awaited to hear what the next cervical check would show and no one could have imagined what would happen next.

Around 7:15 the OB came in to do her cervical exam and we waited to hear good news that she had progress and didn't any other interventions but the look on her Dr's face told us all that something was wrong. The words that came out next shook us all to the core, the baby's cord had prolapsed ( cord prolapse is when the umbilical cord comes out of the uterus with or before the presenting part of the baby. The concern with cord prolapse is that pressure on the cord from the baby will compromise blood flow to the baby). The room's energy went from excitement that Mom was rocking her VBAC to fear and panic.

Within 4 minuets after her exam the room filled with staff and Mom and Dad filled with the unknown. Mom was rolled out of the room and because she didn't have an epidural she would be needed to be completely put under during the delivery and alone.

Dad broke down, his wife and unborn child were taken away from him and he didn't know what the outcome would be. I stayed, held space for him. Allowed him to mourn the birth they had envisioned, then we prayed and then we held our breathe waiting.

Too be conintued.........