The rainbow after the storm, the story of Lucy!

5:55 am I got a message saying " I might have peed. But I was laying down and felt a leaking out of nowhere. "

That was such a GREAT way to wake up, I had a really hard week and hearing that my dear friend was FINALLY in labor with her Rainbow baby was exactly what I needed to cheer me up!

We went over sensation, color, odor and was 99% it was her water that broke!! We talked back and forth for a bit, and one hour later she sent me a screenshot of her contractions, around 2 minutes apart and lasting around 35 seconds long. She went to go take a shower to see if they were going to stop or keep going. After weeks of prodromal labor I think it was hard to trust that this was it!

After her shower she texted me letting me know that they hadn't stop but now were lasting longer, a sign we were looking for!

8:21 with her waves lasting 55 seconds and coming in every 2 minutes I asked if they had blown up the pool yet. "Not yet" I responded "Might wanna".

8:45 " I think you need to come " I had already showered and got my Scrubs on just waiting for this text. I jumped in my car hitting EVERY SINGLE red light on Wilma I swear! I got to her house at 9:15 and the door was locked. I was convinced that she was downstairs giving birth haha her stepson was hesitant to let this strange woman in but he ran downstairs and got permission. His Dad had JUST talked to him about the dangers of strangers the day before and he was just being a good kid and listened.

I got downstairs where I found Mom swaying and holding onto the doorway. Her fluids had definitely ruptured and were now showing signs of Meconium ( the dark green poop from your unborn baby ) I took a mental note of the color and thickness just incase the midwifes wanted to know. During our prenatal we went over what this is and what the options were for birth. They made an educated decision to stay the course of Home birth.

Soon Mom instinctively went into her dark room and labored on my peanut ball. She breathed through them, staying almost stoic, as I helped Dad start to fill the tub. Around 9:30 give or take her Midwife team showed up. One of the many reasons I love working with Clarksville Midwifery is they don't barge in disrupting the Mother's environment, they don't make Mom get out of her position or stop what she needs to do to cope. They are so incredible about that. The checked Mom's vitals and listened to baby and once Mom was settled in and laboring they left the room to allow space.

Around 10:15 I suggested that Mom goes to the bathroom as this helps make room for baby to come down if needed, can lessen painful contractions and can help with Postpartum bleeding. As the Midwife and I walked into her bedroom she had maybe two waves and then said "I think I am pushing" and it was time to get into the tub.

Mom climbed into the tub as the room filled with loved ones and the rest of her Birth team. The room was so filled with love, we all were aware of this being her Rainbow baby and how special this moment was. Mom and I had bonded over the loss of our Angel babies and the anxiety of the following pregnancy. We encouraged her, cheered her on as she was in control and birthing her Rainbow baby. She reached out and could touch her head, we ecstatically said "WE SEE HER".

10:23 am Little L was birthed into the water, safely at home and surrounded by those who love her! She was placed on Mom's chest and Dad just erupted into tears! I am pretty sure I fogged my glasses with own tears. Her siblings gathered around and took her in, talking about who she looked like and how excited they are. There was no one telling her how to push, how long to push for. No one clamping her cord or pushing for her to deliver her placenta 5 mins after she gave birth so they can be done.

This was a pure PEACEFUL, family focused birth. The new Big Sister helped take Mom's vitals and got a bag for the placenta. Dad was talked to and able to ask questions, new Big Brother wanted to know when he could give her a bottle of Orange juice. This is how birth can be!!!

Soon other family members came by to meet the newest kid on the block and we all took guesses on weight! Big Sister was only 1 oz off!! The family piled up on the bed and the next moment will forever be one of my most favorite moments. The Midwifes went to grab a stone that was made for their sweet Son, it was such a beautiful way to honor him.

Once everyone was tucked in I saw my way out, as it rained and I am POSITIVE there was a rainbow. Thank you for reading this Birth story, until next time.