When labor wasn't exactly active just yet, the hospital let us leave to go labor at the parent's friend's house! WHAT A HOUSE!!! It was so nice to help them labor in such a peaceful environment, free movement and she was able to snack.

She wanted to labor as long as possible and see how far she could go and this Mama ROCKED her labor!!! We made it to the hospital in active labor and she received her Epidural and was finally able to rest after being awake for over 24 hours!!

I used Spinning Babies to help get little man out of her left hip to allow her cervix to dilate completely and before we knew it, it was time to push. Waves of emotions flooded these parents as they have waited such a long to meet this sweet baby.

This Mama pushed with power deep inside of her and each time she brought him down, once baby boy was between his worlds Dad reached out and brought him to his home...his Mama!!!

There was an ongoing joke about little man's name and once he was born and Mom & Dad got to meet him they knew without a shadow of doubt his name.

Welcome to the world Tobias Michael Wilson ( The Dad's Brother had that name and he is no longer with us, such a special name to carry on.)